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Fish tank needed for escaping snail!

We need your help! We have an escaping snail & need an old fish tank with a secure lid and no holes which you could please donate it to us. We are worried we will turn up one day and find our entire classroom has been devoured as we have had a really exciting week in the Gazelles. It started with a small mystery of nibbled display board. Mrs Evans thought one of us had ripped the board, but she was wrong! On Tuesday we realised our pet snail, Dec, was stretching out of his tank to eat the paper. Then on Thursday, when Mrs Evans entered the classroom, she saw Dec had escaped from his tank and was half way up the display board. When all of the children arrived in the classroom they saw Dec nibbling more of the display board.


By Charlie, Ffion and Jack

We have had a really exciting week in the Gazelles. It started with a small mystery of nibbled display board. Mrs Evans thought one of us had ripped the board, but she was wrong! On Tuesday we realised our pet snail, Dec, was stretching out of his tank to eat the paper. Then on Thursday, when Mrs Evans entered the classroom, she saw Dec had escaped from his tank and was half way up the display board. When all of the children arrived in the classroom they saw Dec nibbling more of the display board.

So, we are now asking for your help. If you have an old fish tank, with a secure lid and no holes could you please donate it to us, as we are worried we will turn up one day and find our entire classroom has been devoured!

By Charlie, Ffion and Jack