What are we trying to achieve for your child this year?
This is what we are focusing on this year to help your child to be the best they can be. Watch out for how you can help further.
You, as parents and carers, are so important to us. You can make the most difference to helping your child. Please spend a moment to look at how we shared what we are focusing on, as an academy, to improve things for your child, with your child.
We are looking to improve your child's writing by giving them experiences that will inspire their imagination but, more importantly, exposing your child to more opportunities to read. Reading has such a positive impact on their future. It not only enables them to write better, it also helps them to be better mathematicians! Don't believe it? Check this out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-24046971
We are also looking to challenge mathematicians by looking at "real" maths! The universe is constructed from maths! Let's forget our own feelings of maths from our school days and start talking positively about it. It's fun, exciting and has more relevance than any of us could possibly imagine!
Please spare a moment to look at what we have said, talk to your child about their understanding and get involved in making maths cool!