So how do eyes really work?
Children in Y5/6 were visited by Bijal from Specsavers to find out how we see.
At the end of September, Bijal from Specsavers optician visited Years 5 and 6 as part of our science topic. He taught us about how our eyes work, and how they can be different shapes. Using simple diagrams, he showed us how the light focuses in different parts of our eyes, causing long and short-sightedness. He demonstrated how glasses are used to focus the light correctly so that people who are long and short-sighted can see more clearly.
Bijal also taught us about things that can go wrong with eyes, for example, cataracts and glaucoma. He had some gruesome photographs of some of these conditions. We discussed 3D films and how our eyes work together to create a picture, and we looked at some really strange optical illusions. Our eyes were very confused!
Bijal was really impressed with what we already knew about eyes and how we see things. We found out loads of new things and are looking forward to following up his visit with lots more work!