A Week to Remember
Primary education is all about gaining experience. During the time that our children are at Huntingtower, they learn to read, write, calculate and problem-solve. Our pupils work hard and should be applauded for their hard work. If this was all that we teach, it would be a very narrow curriculum. We ensure that across the year, the children have the opportunity to widen their knowledge and skills in a range of subjects and we think very carefully to ensure that their experiences don't just enhance their learning but also provide the foundations for them becoming future citizens of society. This week has been an example of this with several trips taking place including the Year 6 residential trip to PGL. The staff who stayed with the pupils over the weekend were incredibly proud of the way in which our pupils handled challenges and new experiences - if you'd like to see more about PGL and the other events, please check out the video on Twitter, Facebook or here on our website.
June is always a busy month of the year and this June is proving to be the same. In little over a fortnight's time, the Friends of Huntingtower and staff will be holding the annual Summer Fayre on the Sports Field. Please see the flyer for more details and look out for their Raffle Tickets in your child's book bag. We hope you can join us on the day as there will be lots to do and join in with. All proceeds will go to the Friends of Huntingtower who continue to support us. This year alone, they have donated books to the academy as well as buy the Y6 leavers' hoodies. There is a non-uniform day next Friday in anticipation of the event - KS2 pupils have been asked to bring in summer toys such as balls and outdoor games and KS1/EYs have been asked to bring in sweets or chocolate for the Tombola. We would like to thank you in advance for your continued support.