Wintertime Wonders!
The first week in December is one of my favourite weeks in the academic year. To brighten these gloomy winter days, the children and staff have decorated the academy with woodland animal decorations. The overall effect is both eye-catching and energising. We hope you enjoy seeing them at the Winter Fayre on Friday! The children have been equally busy preparing for the enterprise element of the Fayre. They are looking to make the maximum profit for their class by selling their products. All profit can then be used to purchase items of their choice for their classrooms. Good luck to all of the classes.
As with any busy establishment, there are often changes to staffing. At the end of last week, Mrs Giles began her maternity leave for her second child. Mrs Goddard-Tate who already class-shares with Mrs Giles will continue to teach the Kangaroos full time until her return. Mrs Giles is also the Leader for Early Years phase and in her absence Mrs Cradduck, our SENDCo (and Early Years’ specialist) will be leading this team. We will let you know when baby Giles arrives!
We are also looking forward to welcoming back Miss Anderton, class teacher and Mrs Maxwell, Teaching Assistant from their maternity leaves next week. Mrs Maxwell will resume her class role in Lemurs with Mrs Lord and Miss Anderton will be getting to know the Panthers class all ready for January when Mrs Hand leaves us temporarily to go on Sabbatical. We wish Mrs Hand every success during this time and look forward to hearing about her adventures when she returns to us in September 2019.