Sporting Stars!
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The penultimate week of the academic year certainly has been a busy one! With great thanks to our Sports Coaches, Mrs Duxbury Mead and Mrs Dilloway, the pupils and staff have been able to take part in a wide range of sporting activities. The children worked in mixed aged groups in their Tower teams to earn point towards the Sports Cup. Added to this, the KS2 pupils took part in their races day. They demonstrated fantastic sporting values and made everyone who watched them very proud. All points from the both races day and the team sports activities will be added up and announced at our final assembly with the pupils on the last day of term.
The final week promises to be a busy one! In addition to the children spending their last days with their current classes, they will have the opportunity to watch the Year 6 perform 'Pirates of the Curry Bean'. We will be holding our special Endeavour Assembly on Thursday at 9.10am and will finish the year with our Barbecue. We hope you can join us and would like to remind you that orders and choices for the barbecue need to be made by Sunday evening.