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Page 19

  • 18/01/16

    Week 2's round-up in video form

    A summary of what took place at Huntingtower last week
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  • 18/01/16

    Week 1 video of the week

    Catch up on all the action from the first week of the Spring Term
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  • 18/01/16

    Wintry Weather Arrangements

    Information on arrangements if the weather becomes wintry
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  • 18/01/16

    Assembly on Respecting Difference for World Religion Day

    Mr Anderson's assembly was linked to World Religion Day and about respecting difference and compromise
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  • 18/12/15

    Video to celebrate the term

    Did we really do all this?
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  • 18/12/15

    Endeavour Assembly

    Great to celebrate those who endeavoured this term
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  • 11/12/15

    Christmas Fayre a Huge Success

    Thanks extended to the PTFA for great organisation
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  • 11/12/15

    **Newsflash** Winter Fayre tonight at 3.30pm

    Come join the winter fun!
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  • 11/12/15

    Assembly about tolerance

    Exploring how we can help the world be a better place through tolerance
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  • 11/12/15

    What, no celebration assembly!? No, but the weekly video instead!

    Capture the flavour of this week in Huntingtower
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