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On this page you'll find all our latest news stories.

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  • 07/11/14

    Our latest video about our fab children

    Catch the latest exploits of our fab children
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  • 07/11/14

    Huntingtower is Great - Get Voting!!

    Mrs Bradshaw and the whole Academy has been nominated for the Grantham Journal, Grantham is Great awards.
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  • 24/10/14

    Former pupil gains gold!

    Congratulations to Joe Creasey for achieveing his Gold Sports Ambassador Award
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  • 21/10/14

    What are we trying to achieve for your child this year?

    This is what we are focusing on this year to help your child to be the best they can be. Watch out for how you can help further.
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  • 13/10/14

    What's happened at Huntingtower last week?

    A quick video to give a flavour of the talents our children have.   </embed>&quot; style=&quot;width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0;&quot; width=&quot;100%&quot; height=&quot;100%&quot; frameborder=&quot;0...
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  • 09/10/14

    Another Award for Huntingtower!!

    Yet another award for the Community of Huntingtower
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  • 09/10/14

    Huntingtower receives prestigious award

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
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  • 09/10/14

    Fantasy Football

    Mr Turner has started the Lads and Dads Fantasy Football club on Monday after school.  Watch out in the Tower Times for the weekly scores and reports from the children.
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  • 13/07/14

    Races Day

    On a sunny Monday morning our Key Stage 2 children:  Rhinos, Lemurs, Gazelles, Panthers, Lions and Zebras all took to the race track. All groups were organised and ready to go at the starting line, waiting to hear Miss Harkins instructions. All the children were fantastic, ran with smiles on th...
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