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Page 35

  • 31/03/14


    On Monday 25th and Wednesday 26th March, 10 Year 5 children participated in achieving their Level 1 and Level 2 badges in Bikeability. On the first day, the children learnt the basic safety on checking their bikes (A, B, C = air, brakes, chain) to make sure their bike is road safety. They then went...
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  • 31/03/14


    After the highly successful Olympic Sports Camp during the recent February Half Term, where children got to participate in sports such as Wheelchair Basketball, Badminton, Netball, Street Dance, Volleyball and many more, Inspire+ are delighted to invite children to come along again to...
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  • 25/03/14

    Food 4 Thought

    Statement from Huntingtower Community Primary Academy regarding Food 4 Thought hot meal provision
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  • 21/03/14

    Huntingtower Vs Harlaxton Football Game

    Last Friday, 14th March, Huntingtower football team travelled to Harlaxton Primary School. On a small and narrow pitch, Huntingtower had at least 8 shots, with the Harlaxton goalkeeper in fine form keeping the ball from entering his net and was by far their player of the match. Phylan, our goal keep...
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  • 21/03/14

    Table Tennis Event at Grantham College

    On Monday, 17th March, I took 6 children down to Grantham College to take the opportunity to play and watch table tennis.  It wasn't just a day out, meeting Grantham College Table Tennis Academy players but also the children had the chance to meet the London 2012 GB Paralympic Team. The day sta...
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  • 21/03/14

    Fella Friday

    Every Friday in Tower Time, Calum, Sam, Logan, Brandon, Owen, Alex, Ryan, Jacob, me and the teachers – Mr Potter and Mr Turner, are currently building/making a camp fire and in a few weeks’ time we will know how to make a fire and to cook things on it. We get a choice on what we want on our camp fir...
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  • 21/03/14

    Our Trip to Apple Trees

    Years 3 and 4 have been designing things to go into a very special time capsule. On 14th March 2014, we were invited to the opening of Apple Trees Care Home to put some of the work inside the capsule that was buried. We didn’t get muddy at all! We had our photographs taken for the newspaper, met som...
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  • 21/03/14

    Next PTFA Meeting Thurs 27th March

    Next meeting is on Thursday 27th March at 9am. We will be in either the community room or in the extended provisions building (before and after school club house). Please at the school office on the day. Really looking forward to seeing new and old faces there!
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  • 16/03/14


    On Thursday, 6th March, I took two teams to participate in a friendly match against GHF Primary School. The first game consisted of Ebony in goal, Alfie, Maksim in defence, James, Hubert, Jack in midfield and Harley as striker.  First of all, it came as a surprise to us all to find that the gam...
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  • 07/03/14

    FOOTBALL FRIENDLY - Huntingtower Vs Cliffedale

    Another football friendly game organised, but this time Cliffedale Primary School were the opponents who travelled to us on Tuesday 4th March.  We agreed to play two matches, group A and group B teams. The first game was for group 1 and the players selected were; Phylan, Josh W, Piotrek, Sam B...
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