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Page 39

  • 30/11/13

    Energy Saving Poster Competition

    We had some amazing entries for our competition and found it very difficult to choose just one winner from each year group. However, after a lot of consideration we were able to choose 7 winners. Congratulations to: Rhys S (YR), Michael S (Y1), Liam I (Y2), Freddie S (Y3), Bobby D (Y4), Abigail P (Y...
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  • 30/11/13

    Fish tank needed for escaping snail!

    We need your help! We have an escaping snail & need an old fish tank with a secure lid and no holes which you could please donate it to us. We are worried we will turn up one day and find our entire classroom has been devoured as we have had a really exciting week in the Gazelles...
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  • 24/11/13

    Question of the Week

    Do carrots really make your skin orange? (find out here:  
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  • 24/11/13

    Cheques for School

    In future, all cheques should be written out to Huntingtower Academy. Thank you!
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  • 24/11/13

    Our Librarians

    On 14th November, a group of librarians went to the Grantham Library to see how they organise their books, to give us ideas about how we should organise our library.  We discovered a system called the Dewey Decimal system.  It helps the librarians to find different categories for the books...
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  • 16/11/13


    I liked it in the planetarium when the stars went across the ceiling.  You have to turn the light off.  We had  some food  in  the studio and  if there wasn’t  enough room in the studio  they had to  go to  the Lemurs  class  to eat their...
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  • 16/11/13

    Admissions September 2014 - Starting school?

    Children born between 1st September 2009 and 31st August 2010 are due to start Reception in September 2014. You must apply for a school place before 12 noon, Monday 13th January 2014. Apply online at or pick up an application pack from the School Office (avai...
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  • 16/11/13

    Typhoon Haiyan Appeal - Please Help

    Huntingtower PTFA need your help to raise money for emergency aid by holding a children's book and toy sale on Friday 22nd November 3.15pm in the studio.  Please bring any donations in on the morning of the sale.  Please share with colleagues, friends and family and come alo...
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  • 10/11/13

    Six Words Stories about the Soldiers who fought in WW1

    Respected, treasured heroes sleep for eternity. (Charlie) Our saviours fought for eternal peace. (Ebony) Noble, valiant heroes fought with pride. (Harvey) Six words stories are a great way of communicating a message succinctly. These are very powerful. What beautifully poignant words.
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  • 09/11/13


    Please ensure you let us know if you change your mobile phone number, landline number and/or email address. Also, if you have given additional contact numbers, please ensure that these are still accurate. It is imperative that we are able to contact parents/carers or the emergency contact numbers du...
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