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Page 49

  • 25/05/13

    Head Lice

    Our old friend the head louse is never far away and there have been several occurrences in school recently. Look for small grey insects in the hair or their eggs (nits) that are white and usually stuck to hairs.  Ensure your child’s hair is tied back and we will talk to the children about...
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  • 20/05/13

    Y6 have a fab time at PGL

    Our Year 6 children had a fantastic weekend at PGL Caythorpe
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  • 18/05/13

    Knock out Cup Semi-Final vs Corby Glen -Thursday 16th May

    On a lovely sunny afternoon the Huntingtower football team travelled to Corby Glen to play in the cup semi-final.  It was not going to be an easy game for the team but through some excellent team work, good communication and some good passing between the players throughout the match the final s...
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  • 18/05/13

    Registration Forms for 11+

    Please complete these registration forms as soon as possible and return them to the relevant grammar schools.
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  • 18/05/13

    Shingles - High risk groups

    We have recently had a case of shingles in school and therefore would advise if you are in a high-risk group, for example, if you are pregnant or you have a weakened immune system, a blood test may be recommended if there is a possibility that you may have been in close contact with someone who is k...
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  • 11/05/13

    Important dates for this week - SATs and Ragtex

    Year 6 SATs - Monday 13th - 17th May.  There will be a breakfast club for them and we would appreciate their prompt arrival in the morning. Ragtex Textile Collection - Wednesday 15th May – you will already have received a separate letter.
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  • 11/05/13

    Cabaret! A fundraising extravaganza!

    PTFA CABARET NIGHT Saturday, 22nd June, at 7pm A night of music from the Shows Entertainment from your favourite shows and a 3 course meal, all for £20 per head. Open bar and waitress service for a truly fantastic night out. Call in at the school office for tickets.  
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  • 11/05/13

    NSPCC Visit

    A tremendous success!  Your support and generosity with this extremely worthwhile fund-raising event has been overwhelming.  The total raised is £2,824.33.  Thank you for your support.  As you may or may not know, the NSPCC is inspired by a belief that we can all make a differenc...
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  • 11/05/13

    Let's Get Cooking!!

    During May Mrs Cann and Mrs Gudgeon held their first and second Let’s Get Cooking sessions of this term with the following children: Ellie, Jak, Kieran and Taleecha. They made a vegetable soup and a delicious pea and mint soup followed by scones the following week. Click on...
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  • 11/05/13


    Despite promoting and rewarding regular and sustained attendance in school, last week’s attendance percentage was only 93.12%.  This is far below our acceptable percentage level and also the National levels.  As previously explained, low attendance at school has a huge detrimental effect...
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