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Page 52

  • 22/03/13

    Grantham schools gymnastics competition at Grantham Meres

    On Sunday 10th March, 20 children from Key Stage 2 took part in a gym competition. The children had been working incredibly hard before school to perfect the moves for the set routines.This year we had the largest number of children taking part, for many of whom, this was the first competition they...
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  • 22/03/13


    On Monday, 18th March, the Year 5/6 dancers went to the Mere’s Leisure Centre to take part in the Rock Challenge. We also sold 80 tickets. When we arrived we got to watch the rehearsals. I think most of us thought the Secondary Schools were amazing. Even though we were there all day, we all had big...
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  • 22/03/13

    Red Nose Day

    Total raised through sale of cakes was a staggering £275.24. Thank you all so much for your generous donations.
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  • 22/03/13

    Very Important Safety Notice

    We open the school gates at 8.45am to ensure your child is safe and not on the narrow paths around school. However, we have always made it clear that our staff are not available to take supervision of the children until they come out to collect them. It has come to my attention that some children ar...
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  • 15/03/13

    Gymnastics Competition Sunday 10th March

    Our fabulous gymnastic team who came second overall in a recent tournament, with Elle second in the “Advanced” competition and Charlotte coming first overall!! Well done everyone
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  • 15/03/13

    Attendance Awards

    KS1 - Class Tigers 99.20% and KS2 – Class Gazelles 99.03% Well done children! Overall – 97.39%
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  • 15/03/13


    We have unfortunately had a few instances of headlice in school recently. Please check the childrens hair daily looking for small grey insects or their eggs. They can be treated with a special comb available at chemists or special shampoos.
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  • 15/03/13

    A Winning Team

    On Wednesday 13th March, a group of sporty children (Elle, Jess, Max, Leah, Harry and Fyn) went on a trip to Walton Girls’ High School to play netball! We played against two teams. The first team we played against was Ropsley, then we played Marston. We played each school twice, the first time we pl...
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  • 15/03/13


    Our school photographer will be in school next Thursday to take class and group photographs.
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  • 15/03/13

    Do you have any 2” x 2”, 6ft long, wood for our bottle greenhouse?

    If you have any spare 2x2 6ft long wood which you can donate to the school, please let reception know. We urgently need some to complete the recycled bottle greenhouse. Huge thanks in advance!
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