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  • 13/09/18

    A Great Start to the Year!

    Welcome to the start of academic year 2018-19! This is the first News item of the year and I look forward to keeping you up to date with the events, achievements and news of the academy. We have now 420 pupils at our academy and every single pupil has the potential to achieve well and make the most...
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  • 20/07/18

    Goodbye to Year 6

    They have been amazing! We wish them every success in the future. Thank you, Year 6.
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  • 18/07/18

    End of an Amazing Year!

    It really has been a wonderful year with many highs to celebrate. We have achieved new highs academically, in sports, performance and even our charitable contributions. Our pupils have worked hard, made the most of the year and if the number of merits that have been collected are anything to go by...
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  • 11/07/18

    Living History!

    Sometimes we live through very exciting times without even knowing that we are part of the history that the future generations will talk about. The summer of 2018 will be talked about in years to come for many reasons; Britain were lucky enough to be part of an extended heat wave, our English footba...
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  • 05/07/18

    New News Story

    Yet another fantastic week where the sun has continued to shine and the children have continued to blossom with their learning. On Monday, we were awed and delighted when one of our Year 6 pupils won Primary Pupil of the Year at the Lincolnshire Education Golden Apple Awards. A very prestigious awar...
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  • 28/06/18

    Huntingtower Superstars!

    What a stunning week this has been. Not only glorious weather every day but the opportunity for pupils to get out and about in our spacious outdoor areas. There have been lots of Daily Miles walked or run as well as investigation of the environment for science. Races Day, whilst a hot one was very s...
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  • 21/06/18

    Don't Be Afraid to Try!

    This week, our pupils have been informed of their next class for the academic year for 2018-19. With this information, they have already visited their new class and teacher on Wednesday morning. This first session was a huge success as the children met with new and old friends as well as getting to...
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  • 14/06/18

    A Week to Remember

    Primary education is all about gaining experience. During the time that our children are at Huntingtower, they learn to read, write, calculate and problem-solve. Our pupils work hard and should be applauded for their hard work. If this was all that we teach, it would be a very narrow curriculum. We...
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  • 07/06/18

    REACHing Wherever We Are!

    Welcome to the final term of 2018-19. It seems that we’ve blinked and found ourself in June although when we look at the children, we can see how much they have grown. It has been an incredibly busy week that started with our assembly on Monday morning on Healthy Eating. You’ll be please...
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  • 24/05/18

    Community is at the Heart of Huntingtower

    When asked the name of our school, often people just say ‘Huntingtower’. Huntingtower has a rich history now spanning back over 100 years. For those of us who are lucky enough to work here, we more often say ‘Huntingtower Community Primary’ as we are not only proud to be part...
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