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  • 17/05/18

    Learning Through Curiosity

    I always admire those groups that you see on Britain’s Got Talent where lots of dancers or gymnasts all work together to produce a polished, engaging performance where everyone has a role and they perform it to the best of their ability. This is very similar to the every day life of Huntingtow...
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  • 10/05/18

    Hard Work + Enjoyment = Success!

    Who ever thought that a 4 day week could be so busy and productive? The children tell me that they enjoyed their extra day in the sunshire and we have been fortunate that this weather has mostly continued since we have returned. As a result, the children have been able to continue their learning int...
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  • 03/05/18

    Hard Work Brings Great Rewards!

    Its amazing how much the weather can change at this time of year. One minute, we are basking in beautiful sunshine, making the most of our fantastic grounds and the next we are sheltering from thunderous rain! With all of this turbulence caused by the ever changing weather, it commendable that the c...
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  • 26/04/18

    The Secret to our Success - Work Hard!

    Only 2 weeks into the term and so much has happened. Within our first week, some of our older pupils competed in a hockey team and we welcomed several visitors to the academy including a children’s author. Last Friday, we hosted Inspire+’s celebration of their Sports Apprenticeship progr...
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  • 19/04/18

    An Inspiring Start To The Term!

    Welcome to Term 5! This term is full of promise and we can't wait to get started! This video also contains the events of the last week of Term 4. We make the most of each day and experience that we have. We can't wait for the days to be sunny and warm so we can explore our learning not only...
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  • 22/03/18

    The Science of Learning 

    Welcome to the final news item of the Spring Term. For such a short term, it has definitely been full of experiences! Our children continue to work hard in all aspects of their learning and have really embraced this term’s personal development focus of Trying New Things! Our 31 extra curricula...
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  • 15/03/18

    Be Curious!

    We have been a really busy school, this week. They children were keen to participate in British Science Week activities that we had planned including trying to win the STEM challenges (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) set by Miss Widdison, our science leader. Working with others, we w...
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  • 09/03/18

    A Busy Few Weeks!

    It has been great to be back at school after the challenges that we faced from last week. We would like to thank you for your understanding when we had to close due to extreme weather conditions. This lead to several disappointments including our planned for World Book Day. However, we have enjoyed...
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  • 08/02/18

    Learning Leading to Leadership!

    As I have mentioned before, our focus for our personal development this term has been to Try New Things. Over the last few weeks, we have been able to observe many examples of children embracing the spirit of endeavour and we were impressed by the number of children who took part in the Grantham Rot...
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  • 01/02/18

    Be Curious, Explore More!

    As you are aware, we have challenged our pupils to try new things this term. Whilst this could be that they try a new club or choose a lunch they’ve never had before, it could be something more subtle such as working with someone new or making choices about how they would like to demonstrate t...
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