YRs 1 and 2 Visit - Sherwood Pines
Freddie tells us all about his day at Sherwood Pines
My Day at Sherwood Pines
On Wednesday the Year 2s went to Sherwood Pines. We all got on the coach and we felt really excited. But we did feel a bit nervous about being sick on the coach. However, nobody was sick on the coach. We felt delighted when we got there.
When we got off the coach we were greeted by Lindsey, the Forest Ranger, and she showed us the class room and in the class room there was a fire burning and it made us feel welcome and also very warm. Then the Meerkats went with Lindsey and the Tigers went for a romp and we all had a very good adventure and it was brilliant!
When we were searching we heard a lot of noises and because we were so quiet we could hear cars from a long way away.
When we finished our adventure we had lunch. Some people had a lunch box and some people had a bag. Then when we finished, the carpet
looked disgusting because there were hundreds of crumbs, so all of the children had to clean it all up. After lunch we went to the toilets then we got back onto the coach and went home. We had a great day at Sherwood Pines.
By Freddie Shelford