Hard Work + Enjoyment = Success!
Who ever thought that a 4 day week could be so busy and productive? The children tell me that they enjoyed their extra day in the sunshire and we have been fortunate that this weather has mostly continued since we have returned. As a result, the children have been able to continue their learning into our school grounds. Making good use of the different areas, it has not just been PE and clubs accessing this area but also active maths and English.
Mrs Kightley, who leads our singing assembly, is passionate about music and in particular children singing. This week, the children have begun to learn “How far I’ll go” from the film, Moana. Such an inspirational song, it really was a joy to hear our pupils sing it. It is really a catchy tune so we apologise in advance if you catch yourself humming along to your child singing it at home!
With just 2 weeks until the end of term 5, the children continue to work very hard. In the warmer weather, they do have a tendency to remove jumpers and cardigans. We seem to have gained small piles of jumpers and cardigans throughout the academy that they children have removed and cannot be returned as there is either no name evident or it has faded in the wash. Please could you check that your child’s clothes are clearly named and if a jumper has gone missing that you check with your child’s teacher.