A Great Start to the Year!
Welcome to the start of academic year 2018-19! This is the first News item of the year and I look forward to keeping you up to date with the events, achievements and news of the academy. We have now 420 pupils at our academy and every single pupil has the potential to achieve well and make the most of their time with us. I know that the staff are looking forward to the year ahead. I would like to welcome our newest pupils in Kangaroos and Koalas; you have made an amazing start to your education.
No sooner have we started than we are looking forward to future events this term – on Monday, 24thSeptember, I will be presenting a Harvest Festival Assembly to the pupils in Y1-6. Again, we would like to collect items to be donated to our local food bank – a separate letter will be coming out with a list of items the foodbank would appreciate receiving. Thank you in advance for your donations.
Over the coming months you will hopefully see some changes to the Tower Times which we hope will help to continue to improve communication; we will keep you posted as to its relaunch