New News Story
Well it certainly has been a chilly week! The site managers have worked very hard to anticipate every possible change in the weather to ensure that our grounds are as safe as ever. Thank you goes to everyone accessing the car park for being a little more cautious and considerate to others in these precarious conditions. I don’t think that this cold blast has finished yet so please remind your children to wear those extra outdoor items (hats, scarves and gloves) to help them keep warm when outside. There has been plenty of research to support, for example, that a child with asthma or breathing issues benefits from wearing a scarf loosely over their nose and mouth. It appears my mum was right all along when she told me to wrap up warm!
There have been some great achievements recently in our sporting competitions. Last Friday, our UKS2 athletics team competed in the Large Schools Sports Hall Athletics team and came second! There were so many elements that they participated in that it really required a concerted effort. Well done to everyone who represented the academy. On Sunday, Mrs Bensley and her team of committed gymnasts competed in the Lincolnshire Primary Schools Gymnastics Competition held at the Meres Leisure Centre. It was a very long and successful day as the children all performed brilliantly and several were rewarded with medals. If you would like to know more, please watch the weekly video found on either the website (News Page), Twitter or Facebook. On a final note, this week has been National Storytelling Week. The children will tell you that I love to tell and listen to stories about life. Listening to stories about our families and its history is so important to carry on into the future generations. Please spend some time telling stories about yourself and your family and carry on this wonderful tradition.