Magnificent May!
What a fantastic end to what has been a very short but full term! There have been so many opportunities for our pupils to shine over the last few weeks that we would like to mention a few.
There have many sporting events taking place from cross country to hockey, football to rounders. Every time, our children have represented our academy brilliantly and have demonstrated the values that we hold in such high regard. Thanks goes to the staff who prepared and supported the pupils and also to the parents who helped to transport pupils to events. The children have also worked hard with their academic achievements and we have seen some work of a very high standard. We are also celebrating our Rotary Stars pupils who have been selected as they demonstrate the values of generosity, respect and care.
After many years, we have to say goodbye to Mrs May who has worked as a teaching assistant in several different year groups over the years she has been with us. Mrs May has decided to retire and enjoy time with her family and we wish her a happy and fulfilling time. Goodbye also go to Mrs Sandell, one of our Midday Supervisors who is leaving us to commit more time to her other job. We hope you have a great half term holiday and we look forward to seeing you all back at the academy on Monday, 3rd June. It will be a very exciting day for Years 1, 2 and 5 who all have trips on this day.