Jumping into June!
I hope everyone has had a great week off and are happy to be back at the academy. The final term of the year is always busy and full of mixed emotions.
We cannot help being proud of how the children have grown in their relative year groups. For some, it has been their first year at Huntingtower and for others, it nearly the end of their journey with us. That means that this term is really special as it's our last few weeks together. These weeks are full of learning, activities and events especially sporting, trips and fundraising. Please keep an eye on Parent hub for more information.
We have begun to think ahead to next year and how our classes will be organised. Please check your child's bag for a letter on Monday as we will be letting the children know who will be their teacher next year. It's a very exciting time and we will be providing children with the opportunity for them to get to know not only their new teacher but also their new class mates and classroom.
Finally, its three weeks to the Summer Fayre. This year, we have asked the classes to plan a range of stalls to keep you entertained and we're very excited that it's taking place straight after school on the Friday night (28th June). We are working with the Friends of Huntingtower to provide this event for you and there will be a Non-Uniform day on Friday, 21st June when we will be asking for a small contribution to the Tombola. We will be communicating the details again through Parent Hub. We hope you can join us.