Springing into Success
People talk about how sometimes January can be perceived to one of the less exciting months of the year. We are pleased to inform you that this is certainly not the case at Huntingtower Academy! We have so much to celebrate; our indoor Athletics team came 5th in a large competition and our gymnastics teams represented the Academy brilliantly achieving many highly placed positions in the competition. In both cases, we had some pupils who had not represented the Academy before and we commend them and their peers for their courage and passion!
We are proud of Huntingtower's curriculum offer. Throughout the Academy, our teachers are not only passionate about the learning that their class pupils engage in, as curriculum leaders they also are . passionate about how a child becomes a mathematician, historian, artist, musician, citizen... the list goes on! Our learning is not just limited to our time in class; our clubs have started and are providing our children with a range of additional experiences. Our weekly video is a delight to make as it's always an opportunity to highlight the learning journey that our pupils experience as they progress through the Academy. We hope you can take the time to watch it.