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​​​​Each Academy in the Priory Federation has its own Local Governing Body (LGB) and the individuals on this committee are known as Governors. The LGBs are advisory committees to the Priory Federation of Academies Trust – as established in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegated Authority.

The Governors of the LGB are responsible to the Trust for supporting the day-to-day running of the Academy. The LGB is not independent of the Trust. The Chair of the LGB is a Trust nominee and the Head of the Academy is an ex-officio member of the Governing Committee.

Each LGB is able to constitute, as required, a Disciplinary and Appeals Committee.

Furthermore, each governor is linked to a member of the SLT both as ‘critical friend’ and as a Link Governor. Each Link (Governor/SLT) is responsible for one or more elements of the self-evaluation record (SEF). The governors challenge the SLT members to provide secure evidence for the SEF and support the SLT member in reaching the judgements for the SEF.

Training of the governing body in the development of self-evaluation is the focus of governor CPD on an annual basis.

A list of our current Local Governing Body members can be found on our Governors' Pen Portrait page. 

LGB Meetings 2024-2025





If you wish to contact the Governing Body, please email Mrs Christina Durham, who is the Clerk to the Governors, via   


Designated point of contact for the LGB, Safeguarding Lead  - Mr Jon Clack

Designated point of contact for the LGB, Disadvantaged Lead - Mr Paul Emmett

Designated point of contact for the LGB, SENCO Lead - Mr Mike Wentworth

Designated point of contact for the LGB, Careers Lead - Mr Steve Platts